December 3, 2018 – A laptop audio recording of Hunter Biden boasting his father will adopt political positions at his command

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations by Katie Weddington

“It seems like every few weeks we’re reminded of why Twitter, Facebook, Democrats and the media worked so hard to keep the Hunter Biden laptop out of the news before the 2020 election.

The latest example is an audio file that’s rather revealing.

Andrew Kerr and Jerry Dunleavy report at the Washington Examiner:

Hunter Biden recorded himself boasting that his father will adopt political positions at his command, footage obtained from a copy of his abandoned laptop shows.

“He’ll talk about anything that I want him to, that he believes in,” Biden said in reference to his father, Joe Biden, in the Dec. 3, 2018, recording. “If I say it’s important to me, then he will work a way in which to make it a part of his platform. My dad respects me more than he respects anyone in the world, and I know that to be certain, so it’s not going to be about whether it affects his politics.”

“All those fears you think that I have of people not liking me or that I don’t love myself … I don’t fear that. You know why I don’t fear that? Because the man I most admire in the world, that god to me, thinks I’m a god,” Hunter Biden added in the 77-minute recording, which was taped about five months before Joe Biden launched his successful 2020 presidential campaign in late April 2019. “And my brother did, too. And the three of us, it was literally — I had the support to know I can do anything.”

The president’s son even mused about his cocaine addiction:

The conversation was taped at a house in Plum Island, Massachusetts, amid the throes of Hunter Biden’s addiction to crack cocaine.

“Have you ever thought about this: Maybe this is the greatest thing that f***ing ever happened to me,” Hunter Biden mused to Horan about his addiction to the Schedule II narcotic. “Maybe this is literally the continuation and the continuum of what is going to be the thing that makes me the person that my father believes I am.”

(Read more: Legal Insurrection, 6/15/2022)  (Archive)