March 11, 2024 – Special Counsel Dave Weiss retaliates against Hunter Biden IRS whistleblowers

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

David Weiss (Credit: (Screenshot/CBS News)

Two months ago, Special Counsel Dave Weiss retaliated against Hunter Biden IRS whistleblowers Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley and Special Agent Joseph Ziegler by falsely suggesting they were under investigation by a government agency.

Weiss began retaliating against the whistleblowers in 2022, however, the special counsel filed a court document two months ago and falsely claimed Shapley and Ziegler were under investigation for potential misconduct.

Dave Weiss redacted information related to his claims against the whistleblowers under the guise of an “ongoing investigation.”

“Both SSA Shapley and SA Ziegler have filed whistleblower retaliation claims with OSC, and we understand OSC has requested related documents as part of an investigation into the retaliation claims. Specifically, SSA Shapley has alleged that now-Special Counsel David Weiss began retaliating against Shapley in November 2022 when Weiss learned Shapley had been making protected whistleblower disclosures about Weiss’s office to his IRS chain of command. Those disclosures included allegations Weiss’s office (the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware) engaged in prosecutorial misconduct in the Hunter Biden case by treating Mr. Biden more leniently than similarly situated taxpayers who were not politically connected.” Attorneys for the IRS whistleblowers wrote in a letter to the Acting Principal Deputy Special Counsel.

“Two months ago Special Counsel Weiss filed a document in one of the criminal prosecutions of Hunter Biden drafted and redacted carefully to lead the public to believe SSA Shapley and SA Ziegler were under investigation for potential misconduct. That March 11, 2024 filing opened by stating: “[T]wo IRS agents, Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, . . . . have made unsubstantiated claims that prosecutors’ decision-making in this investigation was infected by politics.” The filing continued later: “[A]s described in the attached declaration, Exhibit 2 (filed under seal), the IRS has taken responsible steps to address Shapley’s and Ziegler’s conduct.” Over half of the next page was also redacted. The referenced Exhibit 2 stated the redactions were “to a potential ongoing investigation. . . and the government has filed three exhibits [under seal] that reference a potential ongoing investigation,” the letter stated.

Last year two IRS whistleblowers, Gary Shapley, and Joseph Ziegler, testified on the government prosecutors’ preferential treatment of Hunter Biden. (Read more: The Gateway Pundit, 5/15/2024) (Archive)