April 24, 2024 – Judge Cannon unseals docs that allege Jack Smith’s lead prosecutor threatened Trump valet attorney and tried to bribe him in exchange for Nauta’s testimony against Trump

In Email/Dossier/Govt Corruption Investigations, Featured Timeline Entries by Katie Weddington

Walt Nauta (l) along with defense attorney Stanley Woodward in Miami. (Credit: Rebecca Blackwell / Associated Press)

Judge Aileen Cannon on Wednesday unsealed more records related to Jack Smith’s classified documents case against Trump.

Jay Bratt
(Credit: public domain)

The newly unsealed documents detail allegations that Jack Smith’s prosecutor Jay Bratt threatened Stanley Woodward, an attorney for Trump’s valet driver Walt Nauta.

Jay Bratt tried to bribe Stanley Woodward and threatened him with a sinking judicial nomination if he didn’t get Walt Nauta to testify against Trump.

“Upon Mr. Woodward’s arrival at Main Justice, he was led to a conference room where Mr. Bratt awaited with what appeared to be a folder containing information about Mr. Woodward. Mr. Bratt thereupon told Mr. Woodward he didn’t consider to be a “Trump lawyer,” and he further said that he was aware that Mr. Woodward had been recommended to President Biden for an appointment to the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Mr. Bratt followed up with words to the effect of “I wouldn’t want you to do anything to mess that up,”” according to the newly unsealed records.

(Read more: Gateway Pundit, 4/24/2024) (Archive)