Tony Bobulinski (Credit: U.S. Navy)
“Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden, said Wednesday night that he can confirm details regarding his overseas business dealings, including that a reference to a “Big Guy” in a May 15, 2017 email did, in fact, refer to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
“Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or ‘my Chairman,’ and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing,” Bobulinski said. “I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.”
(…) “I don’t have a political ax to grind; I just saw behind the Biden curtain and I grew concerned with what I saw,” Bobulinski said. “The Biden family aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions of dollars from foreign entities even though some were from communist-controlled China.”
(…) Bobulinski was named on emails first published by the New York Post and later obtained by Fox News. The emails were taken from a laptop that purportedly belonged to Hunter Biden.
In his statement, Bobulinski confirmed that a key email from that report was genuine.
The email, dated May 15, 2017, included a discussion of “remuneration packages” for six people in a business deal with the now-bankrupt Chinese firm CEFC China Energy Co. The email includes a note that “Hunter has some office expectations he will elaborate.” A proposed equity split references “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”
“I realized the Chinese were not really focused on a healthy financial [return on investment],” Bobulinski said. “They were looking at this as a political or influence investment. Once I realized that Hunter wanted to use the company as his personal piggy bank by just taking money out of it as soon as it came from the Chinese, I took steps to prevent that from happening.” (Read more: Fox News, 10/22/2020) (Archive)
May 20, 2017 text exchange obtained by #FoxNews – Tony Bobulinski is warned by business partner James Gilliar “Don’t mention Joe being involved, it’s only when u are face to face, I know u know that but they are paranoid”, which I’m told is a reference to Joe Biden. pic.twitter.com/TB0UlEfOg0
— Mike Emanuel 🇺🇸 (@MikeEmanuelFox) October 22, 2020